Monday, July 31, 2017

That terrible gut feeling

Many of us deal with those creepy feelings. An eerie sense that over powers when we leave our home. The uncertain questions second guessing ourselves. We hope that when we return home we are not greeted with a pile of burned rubble. All this paranoia because we keep asking ourselves that dreaded question. “Did we leave the oven on?” Yes, it is a simple enough matter, make sure you turn off the oven, shut off running water and other appliances. Still though many of us struggle with this question when we leave our home for vacation.

What is a sure fire way to put ourselves at ease when we take off for our fun trip? Its so simple, take a picture. Just do the rounds though the house turn off the oven, close the garage, shut all the windows etc. and take pictures of everything. Now when you leave and that feeling of dread that the oven is still on rises just look at the picture relax and enjoy the rest of your vacation. Hopefully this simple picture perfect hack will will have you more ease during your vacation.

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